Being Critical of a Company Can Get You Hired

Harsh thoughts and negative feelings are among the aspects of our internal life that we often strive to hide at work. Yet Sean Ryan, formerly of News Corp, demonstrates that coming out with your true thoughts, however uncomfortable, can advance your career. For Ryan, being critical of Facebook may have helped him land a plum new role at the social networking giant.

Back in April, Ryan blogged about gaming platforms, writing:

I’d strongly recommend producing a great OpenSocial version of your game and trying to strike deals with a set of SNS not named Facebook – there are lots of them around the world with 10 million or more monthly unique users…

Which was published on the Web and became part of his online footprint. Scary, right? Not at all. His sentiments built upon his breadth of knowledge on the subject, and were grounded in careful analysis. He could thus stand proudly behind his articulate trashing of the social network.

We recall Sun Tzu’s words, “Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer.” The hiring managers at Facebook may be guided by this ancient wisdom.

So feel free to speak your thoughtful mind at work. A new job, or perhaps a promotion may be awaiting you.

Have you attracted someone by criticizing them? What ensued?

Are You Ready To Be Fired?

On the surface, it’s a terrible question to ask. Yet upon closer inspection, it’s vital for you to answer.

In our recent “Career Talk Live” interview with Leon, we learned he is a retired structural engineer, although he identified himself as a retired principal engineer. Big deal, what’s the difference? There’s a critical distinction.

“Retired structural engineer” refers to his occupation in the field of structural engineering, and “retired principal engineer” refers to his most recent role at a multinational aerospace and defense firm. This got us thinking about an article we read a while ago called “The Right Way to Be Fired.”

The authors describe the difference between two general mind-sets people have about themselves relative to where they work. One is an assignment mentality, wherein an individual sees her job as a temporary building block to her next work opportunity. The other is a tenure mind-set, which is:

“the comforting sense that an organization willingly parts with valued employees only when they formally retire. It has long been dead in corporate America, although most companies won’t openly admit it. After all, letting employees know that their jobs are finite would make them feel disposable and would hurt recruiting efforts.”

Leon related that he wasn’t quite ready to leave his employer, yet retire he did. We can learn something from him. Read more

A Workplace Maneuver Only for the Strong of Heart

Today is Thanksgiving, and we’re grateful for the pioneers of bringing your whole self to work who’ve come before us. One such luminary is Joycelyn Elders, the former United States Surgeon General.

Back in 1994 a furor erupted over her response to a question about HIV and AIDS education. She said since masturbation is part of human sexuality, perhaps it should be taught in school. This sentiment led to her forced resignation as Surgeon General. What a high price to pay for being forthright and responsible as a doctor and health educator.

We know how hard it can be to remain true to what you believe. In doing so, Dr. Elders lost her job, yet she kept her self.

The publicity she garnered for being outspoken follows her today. She speaks across the country on public health issues, so she enjoys a national platform from which to share her wisdom and expertise.

Does it pay to be open about a strongly held opinion, when some people may be angered by it? In an interview with CNN in 2005 Elders stated,

“If I had to do it all over again today, I would do it the same way. I felt I did it right the first time.”

So, we’d say yes.

Have you paid a dear price for holding steadfast to your conviction(s)?

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Your Whole Self on LinkedIn?

LinkedIn can seem to be a dry and sometimes less than interesting place. Why?

We understand the need for LinkedIn to pass through strict business firewalls so employees in more conservative organizations can access profiles and update their statuses during the workday. And it makes sense for there to exist a social media site specifically for professionals to connect with one another. The main problem lies in our collective definition of what “professional” means.

Just as many people can be shy about referencing the books they read, we fear that joining an extra-curricular group or posting an update with more personal feeling may demonstrate a lack of professionalism. The problem with categorizing life into “personal” and “professional” buckets is that we miss out on the beauty that emerges from integrating the two. And splitting the personal from the professional takes precious energy away from managing work tasks, and strips us of our human nature.

So go ahead: join KnitLinked, a group “for anyone who loves to knit and crochet;” attach the link to an article you read about endangered coral reef in the Gulf of Mexico; and broadcast that extra set of tickets you have to Saturday’s football game. Upon careful analysis, you’ll see there are valuable attributes these details indicate about you as a professional.

Now consider: if we collectively revealed more of ourselves via our LinkedIn profiles, the resulting network could be a much more interesting place.

Is there something you’ve considered including in your LinkedIn profile, but which you continue to hold back?

One Click on LinkedIn Can Express Volumes about You

Imperial Bedrooms | Reality Hunger | Lips Unsealed

We teach a course on how to leverage LinkedIn for research and marketing purposes in the job search, and one of our favorite parts of the program is the discussion on posting to your profile the books you’ve read. Participants often fear what their reading preferences may reveal about them, and to their detriment they tend to omit these details.

Yet accessing the Reading List by Amazon app and clicking on the books you’ve read — or simply want to read — is an elegant way of expressing who you are, without using many words. And that’s a key to communicating online: using as few words as possible.

We’ve recently read the books depicted above. Which ones will we link amidst our work experience and education on LinkedIn? Let’s think about this.

What you read reveals so much about your interests, your dreams, and how you think. Interestingly, David Rakoff discusses how we judge people based on their reading material in this month’s GQ. If you’ve read, say, Lips Unsealed by Belinda Carlisle, what meaning can viewers of your profile project onto you? At the very least:

1. You read, and thus you can concentrate

Reading books may be a dying pastime, and that you can read tens of pages on one subject indicates your ability to focus your attention for stretches at a time.

2. As one who reads, you know how to manage stress

Have you ever seen a person stressed-out and reading a book? We once saw a guy read a book, listen to his iPod, and walk to the train probably while chewing gum, yet he’s an exception. The memoir of a pop artist necessarily is pleasure reading, so when you reference that you’ve read this book, you tell everyone you know how to relax.

3. You’re curious about the world

Reading is a process of digesting ideas and information related to our world. Your pursuit of knowledge demonstrates your wish to know more about the universe.

These  are 3 marketable attributes about you, so go ahead and talk about the books you read.  You will attract some people to you, and you may repel some folks by your reading choices as well. Those whom you attract will be drawn to something within you, which can be the basis for a formidable relationship. And strong relationships go hand-in-hand with your professional development.

So which books will we be posting on our LinkedIn? All of them, natch.

What does your reading list say about you? Add your comments below.